Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day... GRR I'M MAD AT THIS JAMMER!!! D:<
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Bully on Animal Jam >:(
Hey jammers! Today a few of my friends and I spotted one of the meanest mean jammers I have ever encountered. Here is a video. >:(
Saturday, September 29, 2012
I Decided to Reveal One of My Deepest Secrets.....
Hey jammers! Ok, this may come as a shock to you guys..... but I'm actually autistic. The only reason I kept this such a deep secret, in real and on AJ, for so long is because I was always afraid people would think I was dumb right when they learned I was autistic simply because they would be unaware of this "disorder." (I personally think of it as a trait not a disorder) Despite this, I'm in all advanced classes at my school, and I plan on becoming either an engineer or a physicist when I grow up. Speaking of which, my mom actually showed me a link to a cool blog about an autistic girl today. Here is the link in case you are interested. :)
Cool Blog :)
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Cool Blog :)
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Drifting Tides 2 Part 1 (Video Recorded By: MoonWolfa)
Hey jammers! Here is the video MoonWolfa recorded of the first part of Drifting Tides 2!
I hope you enjoy the video! Also, if you signed up for a character after Part 1 was created, don't worry! You will still be able to participate in the movie, you just won't come in until later. :)
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Late RIM + Drifting Tides 2 Coming Soon! :D
Hey jammers! Here is the RIM for this week. :)
Sorry I posted about the RIM so late, I was really busy this week with school, so I wasn't able to post about the RIM until today.
I decided to save the best news for last: we came up with some ideas for the movie Drifting Tides 2, and it's coming soon! DT2 is basicly DT1 but with a different storyline. DT2 is also the sequel of DT1. Here is a sneak peak at the characters and summary of the movie!
Faolan (MoonWolfa):
Violet (me! :D):
Rose (sml26662):
Bubblegum (my hamster :P):
Epona (Ejaecourts):
Faolan, Violet, and Rose are three sisters who were born in a life full of danger. Food was scarce, and in order to get food, you had to hunt it for yourself. Faolan had always been interested in watching people throw knives, and she decided to teach herself how to use knives to hunt animals. Violet, on the other hand, was very interested in archery, and her mother taught her many skills that Violet would keep for life. Unfortunately, Faolan, Violet, and Rose's mother died shortly after Rose was born, and the sisters' father joined the army when Rose was just a year old in hopes of protecting the family from the armed forces invading their country. After their father set off to fulfill his duties, the sisters were left alone in the hut, and they set off on a treacherous journey of survival and risk. Will the sisters be able to survive the dangers of the wild, or will they face an unfortunate death?
If you want to sign up for a part, comment below and tell me your character's name, weapon, and age (it doesn't have to be your real age)
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Sorry I posted about the RIM so late, I was really busy this week with school, so I wasn't able to post about the RIM until today.
I decided to save the best news for last: we came up with some ideas for the movie Drifting Tides 2, and it's coming soon! DT2 is basicly DT1 but with a different storyline. DT2 is also the sequel of DT1. Here is a sneak peak at the characters and summary of the movie!
Faolan (MoonWolfa):
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Age: 18 Weapon: Sword |
Violet (me! :D):
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Age: 14 Weapon: Bow and Arrow |
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Age: 2 Weapon: None |
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Age: 3 Weapon: Sword |
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Age: Unknown Weapon: Bow and Arrow |
If you want to sign up for a part, comment below and tell me your character's name, weapon, and age (it doesn't have to be your real age)
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
My New Animal Jam Randomness Video!!!
Hey jammers! Because I had such an urge to create an AJ Randomness video, that's what I did! Here it is!
I hope you like it, and have a jam-tastic day jammers!
Hey jammers! Today I was just checking my email, when I saw an email featuring theorca55's (orca's) comment on one of my posts, which said "Your blog has 8000 views!" I was like "wha....?" so I checked my blog, and here is what I saw!
I never thought I would get even close to this far with this blog!!! Thank you so much!!!! :D :D :D
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
I never thought I would get even close to this far with this blog!!! Thank you so much!!!! :D :D :D
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
CP Randomness and EXTREME Creepiness O____O
Hey jammers! I was just looking up Youtube videos when I discovered this. LOL!
Also, when I showed sml26662 the video, she was like "OMG I SAW YOU!" I looked back over it, and at first I agreed with her!!! :O :O :O Here is a closer look.
I seriously thought the 357 penguin was me at first, considering back when I was a member on Club Penguin, I wore a brown wig and a purple dress a lot. However, my user, Salty36257, actually ends with the numbers 257, not 357, and besides, there was a space between the y and the 3 in the random penguin's user. So there is proof that I was not featured in this video.
P.S: Sorry for the bad word in the credits.
Oh My.............. :O :O :O
Hey jammers! We were just hanging out in gggal's den, when suddenly, gggal's kid on AJ, Blossom Glamrose, cursed on AJ!!!! :O :O :O
Here are pictures of this jammer's profile and of them in action!!!
Here are pictures of this jammer's profile and of them in action!!!
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I know this picture makes gggal look like the guilty one, but when I got the photo gggal was kicking alyssar out of her den for cursing. |
Be sure to report this jammer for cursing on AJ!!!
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Drifting Tides Book!
Hey jammers! Since we aren't going to do the Drifting Tides series, I decided to create a book out of the storyline of the series! Here is the cover, table of contents, and Chapter 1 of the book!
Chapter 1: Meet the Sisters
Faolan and Violet were two very skillful sisters who lived with their father for the first 9 years of Faolan's life and the first 7 years of Violet's life. Faolan was taught quite a few skills about how to use a bow and arrow, specifically the bow and arrow her father kept, and during Violet's childhood, she had taken up quite an interest in the knives that her father collected over the years. Faolan and Violet's mother died when they were both too young to remember her, and even though Faolan was more skilled with a bow and arrow than Violet was of knives, Violet had a fairly good experience with knives from when she threw knives and slashed the practice dummy the family kept outside the hut in which they lived. Faolan and Violet's father had already started teaching Faolan how to use a bow and arrow when Violet became so interested in knives she decided to teach herself how to use them. Then one day, Faolan and Violet's father joined the Army in hopes of protecting his daughters from the armed forces of other countries, and it changed Faolan and Violet's lives forever.
To Be Continued
I also give credit to MoonWolfa for coming up with the series in the first place. Without her this book would not have been possible. The chapters probably aren't going to be very long, they will probably only be a few paragraphs long each, maybe more, maybe less, depending on the chapter.
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Hey jammers! I was just sitting in one of the booths at my friend's, WolfFang57's, restaurant, when I noticed something SUPER epic!
LOL! Speaking of WolfFang57, I was just checking out WF's blog a while back, and I checked the Jammer of the Month page, and this is what I saw!!! :D :D :D
Thank you so much WF!!!! :D :D :D :D
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
LOL! Speaking of WolfFang57, I was just checking out WF's blog a while back, and I checked the Jammer of the Month page, and this is what I saw!!! :D :D :D
(Click to Enlarge)
Here is the banner WF made me! :D
Thank you so much WF!!!! :D :D :D :D
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Drifting Tides Series Probably Not Gonna Happen + Story I Came Up With :)
Hey jammers! We probably are not gonna do the Drifting Tides series (involving Faolan, Violet, Cookies, Stevie, and crew) after all considering we haven't even thought about the series in forever, and MW (MoonWolfa) hasn't had a costume for Faolan ever since she gave JG (JammerGirl27546) to midnightsun1021. The reason I mention this is because I just started becoming the wolf I used for Violet (my character) again the other day, and I LOVE her! Anyways, here is a story I came up with along with pictures of the characters.* :)
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Faolan |
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Violet (Me!!!) |
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Fauna |
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Epona |
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Stevie |
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Camo |
The warrior/friends crew has just discovered a shaggy hut while hunting for food to feed all of the members of the clan and gathering apples for Epona, the crew's horse. It is now morning, and the crew is preparing for the day ahead.
Fauna: Good morning everyone! We have a big day ahead, we might as well chow down on some of that deer we hunted last night.
Cookies: Oooh! Sounds delicious!
Violet: Mmm.... deer, my favorite! Thanks!
Fauna: Oh, don't thank me, you and Faolan were the ones who hunted it down! I'm just cooking it.
(Fauna prepares a campfire to cook the deer outside. Everyone gathers around.)
Faolan: You sure you don't need any help cooking that?
Fauna: No, I'm fine. Well, the deer looks cooked to me! Let's eat.
(All of the characters except Epona chow down on the deer.)
Violet: Here you go Epona! (gives Epona an apple)
Faolan: I'm going to go hunting for a bit to see if there is any good prey to catch.
Violet, Stevie, and Camo: Are you sure you don't need any help Faolan?
Faolan: I'm fine. Stay safe, and I will be back soon! :)
(Faolan dissappears into the woods with her bow and arrow already armed.)
Stevie: While Faolan is out hunting I might as well practice some of my hunting skills on that practice dummy in the field near this hut. HI YA!!!!! (slashes dummy with swords)
(Suddenly an explosion goes off in the distance. The warriors can just make out the faint sounds of a scream above the boom of the occurrence, but despite this, they are completely dumbstruck.)
Cookies: What was that...?
Violet: Faolan! Stevie! Oh no..... something could have gone terribly wrong! We have to check it out!!! (is frantic)
Cookies: Calm down Violet, panicing won't solve anything. Come on, let's go check it out. (saddles Epona up) Giddy up!
Epona: NEIGH!
(Violet, Cookies, Fauna, Epona, and Camo ride off to the woods. Just as they set off Stevie catches up to them.)
Everyone Except Faolan, Epona, and Stevie: STEVIE!!!!
Stevie: Oh my gosh, you guys are ok!!! (hugs everyone)
Camo: You heard the bomb too?
Stevie: Of course I did! That bomb was louder than a jetplane!
Violet: I'm really nervous about Faolan... I think I heard a faint scream while the explosion occurred.... (is shaking)
Fauna: I am too! Faolan could be terribly hurt, maybe even dead!
Cookies and Camo: Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!
(The crew continues deeper in the woods in the direction in which the explosion occurred. Suddenly a tragic scene erupts when a familiar friend has been spotted scorched to death amidst the trees...)
Fauna: I think Faolan is dead..... (sniffs)
Violet: Faolan....? Faolan?! (shakes Faolan) FAOLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sobs horrendously) THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!! YOU MATTER MORE TO ME THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD!!!!!! I CAN'T REMEMBER OUR MOM AND MY MEMORY OF DAD IS VERY FAINT!!!!!!! OH WHY?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Everyone immediatly starts crying, but Violet cries worst of all.)
The situation was very grave for everyone. The whole group had bonded with Faolan very well, and everyone who looked at Faolan's corpse was dissolved in tears. Violet was beyond upset. She was heartbroken, for Faolan, Violet's older sister, was the only family member of Violet's that she really ever had a chance to bond with, for her mother died when she was 3 and her father left to join the Army when she was just 7. Faolan and Violet had been a team from the very beginning, and now Violet was lost without her.
To Be Continued
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
*I was never able to get a picture of one of the characters from Drifting Tides, specifically Cookies, because Cookies had never come up with a costume, or if she did, I wasn't online to see it.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
An Awesome Rock Song :)
Hey jammers! I think I know what my favorite Rock song is. Even though I'm more of a Pop kind of person, I LOVE this song! :D
Credit for this video goes to Disturbed and the creator of the video. I do not own the song or the lyrics.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
YAY!!!!! :D :D :D
Hey jammers!!! Omg I'M SO HAPPY!!!! Ok, I was just hanging out with my friends on AJ, when suddenly kayla28860, one of my friends, traded a purple mummy glove and a pink anemone bow for a green bubble-tron I didn't really use!!! :D :D :D Here is proof!
Now I have all the types of gloves (lava, dragon, legend, non member, and mummy)!!!! Also, here is the anemone bow :P
Both of these items match my style even!!!! Omg this is PARADISE!!! I am still trying to decide whether the purple anemone bow I already had or this bow looks better on my dolphin. :P
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
P.S: Kayla, I do not know how to thank you enough for the awesome mummy glove and anemone bow!!!! :D :D :D
Now I have all the types of gloves (lava, dragon, legend, non member, and mummy)!!!! Also, here is the anemone bow :P
Both of these items match my style even!!!! Omg this is PARADISE!!! I am still trying to decide whether the purple anemone bow I already had or this bow looks better on my dolphin. :P
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Hey jammers! I decided to post a post so random your eyes will water. Behold.
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day.....hehehe.... >:)
P.S: I do not own the first two pictures. The first picture I found on www.poundart.com and the second picture I found on terriblycute.com. The rest of the pictures I own.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Scammer Alert!!!
Hey jammers! Lilysquinkies and I were just hanging out in Jamaa Township, when we spotted this scammer in action.
When lily and I screamed out "SCAM!" Pouncing responded with "i'm only 5. i don't scam." How in the world are we supposed to believe that?! Besides, if she really WAS only 5, she probably wouldn't know that much about how to scam people! Here is her profile picture.
I mean seriously, why do so many people scam on AJ?! For one thing, it isn't fair to other jammers, and second, it only makes the scammers look selfish. Also, be sure to report aleelee for being a scammer!
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
When lily and I screamed out "SCAM!" Pouncing responded with "i'm only 5. i don't scam." How in the world are we supposed to believe that?! Besides, if she really WAS only 5, she probably wouldn't know that much about how to scam people! Here is her profile picture.
I mean seriously, why do so many people scam on AJ?! For one thing, it isn't fair to other jammers, and second, it only makes the scammers look selfish. Also, be sure to report aleelee for being a scammer!
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!
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