OMG OMG OMG HEY JAMMERS!!!!!!! I am so happy right now!!!!!! Ok, here's the story. I was just playfully hiding from my best friend in real, dadmumme, in her den. When dadmumme found me, I kept pretending I wasn't wolfstar, and at one point I said that the real WS (wolfstar) was on another account. Because of this, I decided to get on ilovewolves43, one of my nm accounts, and go to dadmumme's den. However, shortly after I did this dadmumme had to go. On my non-member account I noticed that wolfy's sis was on, so I decided to go to her location and hang out, which was at someone named Metropolis's den. When I arrived at Metropolis's den, I said "Hi! I'm wolfstar's nm account! :)" Then suddenly Metropolis exclaimed "wolfstar?! is that you?!" I told her yes, and she was like "wolfstar!!! it's wolfy!!!" Then I was like "wolfy?! WOLFY!!!!!!!!!!" Just a few seconds later I came in as wolfstar. Here is wolfy and I! :D :D :D
(L-R) Top: ilovewolves43 Bottom: wolfstar62867, Metropolis, wolfy39179 (wolfy's sis)
Here is wolfy's new profile!!! :D :D :D :D
YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!!! :D :D :D
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