Hey jammers! Considering I haven't posted on here in a while (sorry about this!), I decided to reflect back on memories that I made before I even started this blog. It was just a normal day on November 23, 2011, and I decided to visit one of my friend's, theorca55's, den, when I saw orca and another jammer hanging out and doing the "Bubble Beanbag Chair" glitch. I decided to chat with them for a bit, for orca was my friend and the other jammer, wolfy39179, seemed rather nice. Then wolfy started telling orca to go on her blog, and she invited me to go to it as well. I was very concerned at first about going to this site, for I had never seen an AJ (Animal Jam) blog before and questioned its appropriateness.
Wolfy: Go to google and search Wolfy39179's Supernova to go to my blog. (or something like that :P)
Me: Is this safe...?
Wolfy: Yes.
After wolfy said "Yes," I was still a little concerned, but I decided to check the site out just in case it was by some odd chance appropriate.... and it was EPIC! I didn't believe I could EVER make anything as epic as that site was! Here was the first post I saw. :)
I also wondered how wolfy was always able to post so many awesome events that occurred to her on Animal Jam, but this was before I learned that there is something new and interesting to discover every day, in a game or in real life.
I guess you could also say I kind of rushed into my friendship with wolfy at first just so I could appear on wolfy's Best Friend page (which doesn't exist anymore). I kind of regret this, but when I start feeling bad, I just think about how good a friend wolfy was, despite me rushing into our friendship. 5 days after I met wolfy, I told her about the "Butter Floor Glitch," the first glitch I learned on AJ, and I was featured in one of her glitch videos! Here is the link to the first video I was ever (seriously, EVER) featured in!
However, this relationship I had with wolfy wasn't all rainbows and unicorns. In February 2012, 2 months after I started this blog (with wolfy's help), wolfy stopped getting on as much, and she posted on her blog saying she was sharing her account with her younger sister. Whenever wolfy's sister would get on wolfy's account, I would go to her location and see if wolfy was on. After about a month, I was about to give up, when another friend of mine, JammerGirl27546 (currently MoonWolfa), told me that wolfy had officially quit playing Animal Jam. I was already depressed as it was, and this news did not lift my sadness by even a little bit. As a matter of fact, wolfy did not come back on Animal Jam for another 4 months, and often I would dream of wolfy and me together on Animal Jam again. Then, in July 2012, my dreams came true when I got this jamagram.
I WAS SO SHOCKED!!! After I added wolfy, she came to my den and we had am ecstatic reunion. <3
Unfortunately, it was not long before wolfy (as XxLaykinxX) got on less and less, until finally she quit again. In August 2012, I visited her sister's den as ilovewolves43 (my non-member account). I told wolfy's sister that I was wolfstar's non-member account, and Metropolis, the other person there, exclaimed "wolfstar?!?! It's wolfy!!!!!" Shockingly, I responded with "wolfy?!?! WOLFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I came to wolfy's sister's den as my member, and we had a second reunion (this time foxes were out XD). :D
The smiling wolf is ilovewolves43, and Dancing Cottonwolf is wolfy's sister. |
Despite wolfy's efforts to keep playing AJ, the same result occurred with her new account as it did with her other two accounts, and she quit AJ in September 2012. I haven't seen her since. D:
I have learned quite a bit from the friendship I shared with wolfy39179/XxLaykinxX/Metropolis. However, the most important lesson she taught me is that you can accomplish any task, no matter how tough it may seem or what obstacles may stand in your way.
You just have to believe in yourself. <3
Well, that was quite a post! It feels good to tell all the memories I had with this awesome friend on my blog. :D One last thing before I poof off to get some other tasks accomplished, TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Friday)!!!! :D