Saturday, November 24, 2012


Hey guys. I was just going through my pictures, when I discovered this. O_O

(Click to Enlarge)

I think I kinda have an idea of where this is from, but I have no clue for certain... I think it was supposed to be my costume for clan called Starclan... I also know it was taken on July 30, 2012. O_O

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day... O_O

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A Tribute to Those Who Have Left Us... :(

Hey jammers! All of my friends are quitting AJ I noticed... :( Because of this, I decided to make a tribute to my friends who have left AJ since I started. Here is the list of all the awesome friends who have quit so far along with pics of them... :(

Metropolis/wolfy39179 (I think she quit again... D:)


Dragonologist143 (I wish I could have gotten closer to her before she quit... D:)



This is Star's old profile... sniff :'(


tennessee2001 (she's quitting after New Years... D:)

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day... waaaa. :(

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Friday, November 23, 2012

New Series!

Hey jammers! Just yesterday a new series was produced! Here are the first two parts of the series!

Here are the credits :P

Link- dragonrider12319
Queen- wolfstar62867
Princess Penelope "Penny" (Part 1)- waterfox392
Princess Penelope "Penny" (Part 2)- sml26662
King (Part 1)- waterfox392
King (Part 2)- tiger2735

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic Black Friday (although I don't exactly support it XD)! :P

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rhino Glitch... D:

Hey jammers! Today I spotted a WICKED rhino glitch in Jamaa! Here are pictures.

I actually figured out how to do the glitch, and I would show you how, but AJ took it away RIGHT when I started taking pics!!! :'( :'( SRSLY WHY?!?!?! >:( :'(

Well, I DO have some good news. I created a new banner today!!! Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey jammers! I probably won't be on tomorrow, and because of this, I would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving! :D

May you all have full stomachs and an awesome time this Thanksgiving! I also would like to wish a very special friend a happy birthday! The friend whose birthday is tomorrow is... -drumroll-... SML26662!!! In honor of your birthday, I have made a special BG just for you!!! Here it is! :D free online photo editor, fun photo effects

Here is the code for this BG!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=" free online photo editor, fun photo effects" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-size:10px"> fun and easy photo editing</span></a>

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic Thanksgiving!!!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

New Look (Possibly)

Hey jammers! Yesterday I bought these really cool dragonfly wings, and they look REALLY cool on my fox! It might become my new look! :D Here are pictures of my old and new looks. :)

Old Look:

New Look:

If you want to comment and let me know which look looks better, feel free to do so! Right now I'm actually leaning towards keeping the new look.

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day!

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Waa.... D:

Hey jammers. Alex53142 quit yesterday.... here are the jamagrams I received from her regarding this. D:

She even gave me a blue headdress and blue dragon glove, which I am NEVER trading. Since I have been wanting to change the style on my other wolf for forever, here is a style I created in memory of alex using the headdress and glove she gave me. D:

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day... D:

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

A BAD Glitch DX

Hey jammers! I actually discovered a very weird glitch while I was in Jamaa. Here is a video featuring the glitch. O_O

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pilgrim Was Banned O___O

Hey jammers! I am here to tell you a story about something that occurred back in December of 2011 I believe.

I had 2 daughters on AJ (and still do). These 2 daughters were sml26662 and fbbfb46286 (otherwise known as Pilgrim Hikingfriend). We were just hanging out, when a bunch of DRAMA suddenly occurred. Sml had gotten poisoned in the game, and I sprang to her in hopes of saving her. Then Pilgrim became jealous that I was paying so much attention to her. Then she accused me of being a horrible mother, and after I cured sml of her poison, Pilgrim deleted both of us and ran away.

I never saw her again....

Now, almost a year later, I discovered a picture I took on my phone of Pilgrim's profile from before I deleted her (I added her sometime after she deleted me I think). Immediately I had a silent celebration, for I had forgotten Pilgrim's username 4 months ago. I decided to look up Pilgrim's username just for fun, when I was suddenly flooded with shock.


-wakes up-

I can't believe this, I just can't make myself see this..... O_________O

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day.... O_________O

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Friend Tried to Scam Me!!!! :O :O :O

MY FRIEND ON AJ TRIED TO SCAM ME!!!!! D:< D:< D:< -calms down- Phew! Ok, here's the story. I was just hanging out with sml26662 in her den, when I received a jamagram. I opened it up, and this was what it said.

You can't fool me cotton, that was a total scam!!! Here is cotton's profile so you can report her for scamming!!!

As you can tell by cotton's profile, I deleted her. After all, I'm not friends with scammers!!! D:<

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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For Wolf72112 :)

Hey jammers! Guess what?! Wolf72112 has just joined Dragon Clan, and I just finished creating her BG! Here is the link to our blog so you can learn more and see the new BG!

The Legends of Dragon Clan

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day!

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Spotted an Imposter of My Friend... D:

Hey everyone. I was just getting back on AJ after having been logged out, when I received this jamagram. D:

I actually have a friend named MoonWolfa, and I have a feeling that there was supposed to be a u between the s and the c in the sender of this jamagram's user.... Here is this jammer's profile in comparison to MW's (MoonWolfa's)... D:

Man, poor MW... so far she's received at least 6 imposters since I met her in December... and they didn't even pop up until around April I think... I personally only ever had 3 imposters... D: D: D:

Update: We actually figured out who created MW's imposter. We were having a big huge fight, and MW said to my friend who I had just met on Friday, StegoLegoXD, "You created the imposter!!!" and shortly after, Stego said "Fine I admit it!" We were all like ":O." Shortly after, we had gone to dadmumme's den to calm down because of the fight, and Stego came in and said "MW hates all of you," "She says you guys are ughly," and "She wants fame and fourtune," Because of this, I deleted him. I mean he talked badly about my bf!!! Here is a picture. >:(

To Stego: Dude, you just lied about EVERYTHING! How does MW hate us if she made me Jammer of the Month on her blog?! HUH?! >:( Here is his profile so you can report him.

I guess she just liked MW for her "fame," >:(

Well, that's all for now jammers, and please report the imposter and Stego! D:

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Switched Back to Old Template :P

Hey jammers! As you can probably tell, I switched back to my old theme because Halloween has officially come to a close. I might update it this weekend considering I now have 3 main animals (my arctic wolf, my fox, and my wolf), but I have to go soon, so I can't do it now. :P

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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