Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Tribute to Those Who Have Left Us... :(

Hey jammers! All of my friends are quitting AJ I noticed... :( Because of this, I decided to make a tribute to my friends who have left AJ since I started. Here is the list of all the awesome friends who have quit so far along with pics of them... :(

Metropolis/wolfy39179 (I think she quit again... D:)


Dragonologist143 (I wish I could have gotten closer to her before she quit... D:)



This is Star's old profile... sniff :'(


tennessee2001 (she's quitting after New Years... D:)

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day... waaaa. :(

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1 comment:

  1. So sorry to not of told you this but umm... Billtom1313 Quit AJ a week ago any thing ya wanna ask just ask DragonWolf or me on AJ Bye.............-GoldenHunter7


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