Scammers and Mean Jammers

This page features all the scammers and mean jammers my friends and I find on Animal Jam and a description of what they did to qualify for this list.


This scammer tried to scam the clover blanket I am currently wearing. She asked if she could borrow it "for a second," but DragonWolf70 and I knew that she was just there to scam it. Here is a picture of this scammer in action.

I'm just glad I didn't fall for it, or else I would not have my clover blanket anymore!

This person scammed SparkleWolf123's red panda a while back. If you see this jammer, be sure to report them for being a scammer!

This person attempted to scam sml26662's headdress when she told sml through a jamagram to give the headdress she had to her through gifting. If you see this jammer, be sure to report them!

This jammer also attempted to scam sml26662's headdress a while back. Be sure to report them!

Mean Jammers:

This jammer went to my friend sml26662's den and started calling us fat, mean, and babies. She also made a ton of excuses to not leave sml's den.

While sml26662, smurf58105, fashionh2o, and I were hanging out in the Epic Wonders, this jammer came up and called sml26662 a big mouth. He also kept zipping in and out of the Epic Wonders, so I couldn't get a picture of him in action. One of the times he zipped back in the Epic Wonders, he said, "Oh, THOSE people!" How mean is that?!

While DragonWolf70, GoldenHunter7, smurf58105, and I were forming a clan, this jammer showed up and pretended to have a clan so he could invade our territory and bully us! Here is a picture of this jammer in action.

We had to switch to a server with a really small population in order for our clan to ever be in peace! If you see this jammer, be careful!

This jammer called someone trash, bit them, and were glad that their parents were dead. Here is the fight they caused because of this.

If you ever come across this jammer, be sure to report them and be EXTRA careful around them!


JustinBieber27546 (now JammerGirl27546), kyra04 (now midnightsun1021), fashionh2o, and I were hanging out in Captain Melville's Juice Hut, when these two jammers called us fat just because we were tigers. One of the things that gives proof that they did this is one of the mean things soccer said to hailey about tigers being fat.

I know it wasn't about us, but it was still very mean! They also caused a huge fight, so fashionh2o and I left.

This jammer is actually an imposter of JB (even though he did not copy JB's style)! We found this jammer in his den, and he all of a sudden started being SUPER mean to us! Here is a picture of this jammer in action (the two profiles above are of the same person).

Some of the mean things this jammer did include grabbing sml and tossing her on the ground carelessly, acting like he was "in love" with all of us, especially sml, poisoning JB to the point where she almost died, and made sml kill herself (in the game not in real life)! If you see this jammer, be sure to report him for being a bully and be EXTRA, EXTRA careful!

We found this mean jammer in sml26662's den, and apparently this jammer was really mean to sml a year ago because of what she said to sml when we got to sml's den.

Not long after this jammer left sml26662's den, she jam-a-grammed sml saying "Let's fight!" If you see this jammer, be careful!

These four jammers were spotted all in one night, when we spotted JammerGirl27546shouldDIE in JB's (JammerGirl27546's) den, and all the others came rushing in. Kittensrule67, believe it or not, was actually a returning imposter, and they were all SUPER mean! Be sure to report them!