The Glitch Planet

Here are some glitches that my friends and I found while adventuring throughout Jamaa:

The first glitch was found by a friend of mine, wolfy39179.

A dolphin on land! This glitch can be peformed by any ocean animal, and you can only do this in the Crystal Reef (Animal Jam fixed it in Bahari Bay). What you do is you get near the dock of Crystal Reef. Then, you switch animals, and while you are still switching animals, click on the dock. Now you should be on land!

The second glitch was actually found by my friend and I together.

Have fun sliding! It's really fun when you are bored!

This glitch was found by someone named Pangaea (aka Wando20), and I decided to try it out!

I'm stuck in the rock in the Coral Canyons Pathway! Here is how to activate it:
Go to Coral Canyons, and then go to the Coral Canyons Pathway.
Don't move, then switch animals and click on the rock to the left of the entrance as fast as you can!

I hope you enjoy it!

The next glitch is a secret color glitch found by wolfy39179. To get the secret color, known as dolphin blue, click on the circles where the red arrows are pointing.

 You can activate this color for the pattern, too.

                               I hope you have fun with your new color!

Also, I saw someone running in place in the Pillow Room and saying, "BYE."

It's really weird, the "BYE" never seemed to go away, and I can't seem to figure out how to activate it. Sorry about the background noise.

This next glitch shows a non-member tag on a member account.

It is definitely a very weird glitch! I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but for me, this is VERY common!

This next glitch I discovered while visiting someone's den, and it is what I call The Heart Locket Glitch!

Miss's heart locket went through her clover blanket! How cool is that?!

The following glitch features a glitch I found at Horseshome's den.

It says Horseshome is not online, even though she actually IS online!

Also, here is a picture of two glitches in one picture!!!!

For the first glitch, the locator says JustinBieber27546 (currently MoonWolfa) is in the same room as me, when really she is in the Coral Canyons, and I am in Mt. Shiveer!!! Also, there is an INVISIBLE ANIMAL right underneath me!!! I don't know about you guys, but I believe this is pretty epic!

This next video also features two glitches in one, except it is in a video instead of a picture. It's basically a combination of the running in place glitch and the famous never-ending clones video.

Pretty cool, huh? Believe it or not, I was actually cloned once- it was a glitch too! Sadly, that was before I knew how to take pictures. :( Also, just to give you a heads-up, the clones in the never-ending clones video were NOT a glitch, and this is why that video is not featured on this page. Wolfy39179 (currently Metropolis) and wolfypup7 just used some non-member accounts for that. In this case, however, the clone WAS a glitch! You can tell by looking at the username of the clones. If they are the same, then it is, indeed, a glitch. If they are not the same, then that means that one of the jammers either has another account or got another jammer to join them. The clones in the never-ending clones video were still cool though!

This next glitch features an example of a two-glitches-in-one-picture in Best Dressed!

For the first glitch, one animal somehow ended up on top of another one. Very weird, I know. The second glitch features another invisible animal!

This next glitch was actually found only a few minutes after the Best Dressed glitches, and it is not only weird, but it also goes against the laws of physics!

A block floating in midair! How weird is that?!

The following glitch features a VERY weird glitch I discovered while playing the Temple of Trivia with sml26662!

The gem amount for people besides me is highlighted in green! Pretty cool, huh? Also, I'm the second name from the top, while sml26662 is the eighth name from the top. I don't know if anyone else has ever experienced this, but I have seen this glitch five times in one day!

The next glitch features a weird name tag glitch I discovered on ilovewolves43's, my non-member account's, screen.

Wolfstar62867's name tag is yellow with a pawprint badge, when it's normally purple with a wolf badge! I switched back to wolfstar's screen, and this is what happened.

It's purple with a wolf badge again! A very weird glitch indeed!

If you find any other glitches in Jamaa, comment on this page, and you may be featured in the next photo or video!


  1. add me on AJ....
    Singingsuperstar is my username LOL

  2. Ya, those are quite some glitches, now that I think about it! :P And the next time I get on AJ, I will add you. You seem really nice!

  3. umm... the glitch dosen't work all that well, but, what the hey! It's sooooo fun!

    also, friend luckypenny,jaredleejaffe,alex656 and ikeyspikey

  4. also add dolphinblu4u she is so cool. At the price of nothing, she'll give you codes and glitches that work.. she dosent scam. GO NO SCAMMERS!

  5. Remember that glitch where you couldn't send custom Jamagrams and chat would not appear in history? It's back! OH NO! D:

  6. omg i dont know how to do the slide on in the forset ~wolf64441 p.s thats me on aj add me if u want to ;D

  7. I'm looking for a flying glitch for my friend she wants to pretend to be a raindeer!!!- GoldenHunter7

  8. add me i will help not scam the world of Jamaa :) buddy me - lilac9880

  9. buddy meh plz anyone my list for any rare spike wrist? lol

  10. oh my user id meepythepro sorry


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