Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wolfstar Clone Clan Has Been Established! Also, Therareitem Was Spotted!!!!

Hey jammers! Today I was just hanging out with my friends on Animal Jam in my den, when sml26662 decided to look like me again (she sometimes looks like me for humor). That gave me an idea: to establish a Wolfstar Clone Clan! I brought in my 2 clones, ilovewolves43 and MoonStar98, and the clan began! Watch the video below if you dare...... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! >:)

Not long after the Wolfstar Clone Clan was established, sml told me to follow her, and sure enough, we spotted therareitem (a scammer who scammed SparkleWolf123's panda plush a while back) in her den!!!

Here is therareitem's profile to proove that she really is therareitem!

If you see this jammer, be sure to be extra careful! Your panda plush could be next!

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

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