Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Report This Jammer!!!!

Hey jammers! Today we were just doing a movie produsction, and a friend of mine, avgmonkey, was the bad guy in the movie, and the whole movie turned out pretty good until we combated the bad guy. Then avg kept saying "miss" everytime we tried to attack her, even when we said "no miss!!!!" At one point we asked avg politely to please stop missing our attacks, and then she said "I can miss all I want," and started being really mean about it, turning the movie fight into a REAL fight!!!! Later on she even scammed one of my other friend's, caroline148531's, red rare giraffe plush!!! Even though avg gave the rare plush back to caroline, I'm still MAD!!!! Here is her profile picture!

Be sure to report this jammer for being a scammer AND a mean jammer!!!

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

1 comment:

  1. wolfstar if the jammer scams and gives it back you should forgive. Why would you blog about this poor jammer. It seems like roleplaying to me. Let it go and just delete this. they were probably young at the time. Come on. seriously just forgive.


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