Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Might Change my Style.........

While I was participating in a movie today as my wolf, I was putting on a costume for the movie, and I LOVED it! I loved it so much, I'm thinking about possibly wearing it as my new style! I'm not certain though. Here are the two styles I'm deciding between (Style 1 being my older style and Style 2 being the new style)!

Style 1:

Style 2:

Two of my friends, cat1013 and smurf58105, told me which style they liked better today. Smurf58105 liked the first style better because she said it was the Victory she knew, but cat1013 thought the second style was better because she said it was really pretty. Which style do YOU like better? Comment below and let me know!


  1. its smurf, and i want my old victory still

  2. da first one is just better i have no idea why, but it just is.


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