Sunday, March 18, 2012

Probably the Biggest Fight I Have Ever Experienced.........

Today while I was on Animal Jam, one of my friends, named Fairy, came and all of a sudden became SUPER snotty and MEAN! She started a fight with me, and she almost started ANOTHER one later on when she tried to pick on JB! Here is a picture of the MASSIVE fight!

At one point, Fairy started calling us all "headlights!" Also, here are some of the mean things she said!

I mean, how mean is that?! Also, here is her profile picture so you know which username to search if you want to report her!

Even though she deleted me, I honestly don't miss her AT ALL! Also, here is the link to the video my friend ilovemypets8 made featuring the fight!


  1. was it really that bad?? :( shes one of my friends she was never ever meant to mean or to my friends.. :(


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