Sunday, January 6, 2013

Omg... Talk About Rare DRAMA..... D:

Hey jammers! Shortly after creating a new fox, a friend of mine I wasn't all that close to, but was my daughter in the game, came to my den and asked me to send her stuff for her birthday. I said sure and sent her a firefly necklace I didn't want anymore hoping she would like it. All of a sudden, she started a whole bunch of DRAMA because I didn't send her "a whole bunch of stuff." Read this conversation to learn more about what happened (Princess Snowystar is me, Enchanted Magicleopard is the old friend).

Btw I sent her the firefly necklace shortly after I said "Happy Birthday! :)"

Yes, I know, I exploded...

Sheesh... I don't have to send her ALL MY ITEMS just because it's her birthday!!! Golly... Here is her profile; I actually deleted her after she "ran away" because the little friendship we had wasn't worth the drama. :l

As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure it was really her birthday...

Also, I go back to school on Tuesday, and I probably won't be able to post or get on AJ as much once school starts back simply because of, well, school stuff. :P

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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  1. No offense but something is always happening D:

  2. O_O Wow.... I think one present would be enough... Thats just greedy.

  3. You guys are SO dramatic -.- I mean really :l there is ALWAYS something wrong :/

  4. When it was my b-day I never even got a birthday party! And no presents on AJ! That's just greedy I say just greedy...............

  5. if u want a rare than work for it! i mean a little party on aj would be the much i rly wanted i mean spending time with my family and freinds is the best i want -lilysquinkies i wush there :p

  6. :(((((( alex said i stole her lava i never did i swear!!!!!! :(( someone did but it was not me i never even wanted a lava !!!!-lilysquinkies


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