Thursday, May 30, 2013

Diamond Shop Chaos + Crazy Road Trip Video

Hey jammers! As many of you know, the new update came today, and with this update came the brand new Diamond Shop in Jamaa Township! I personally really like the new shop (except for the fact that we can only get new diamonds once a week). Unfortunately, many jammers are FURIOUS with the new store because a lot of rares these jammers worked hard for were now available for all members to save up for and purchase. The main reason I like the new store is because I think this store will eventually solve all of the rare drama that has been occurring in Jamaa lately. Sadly, several fights have occurred in the Diamond Shop lately, and at one point a group of jammers even started blaming Julian2 for the Diamond Shop! (I mean why would he have anything to do with it?! D:) Anyways, here are a couple of pictures of one fight that occurred in the Diamond Shop on the Aldan server. :(

This is by far the WORST fight I have ever witnessed on any game; it's even worse than the CP (Club Penguin) riot that occurred in 2010 when CP released the new Gift Shop catalog a few days late! During that riot, people kept protesting that they would not leave the Gift Shop until the catalog came out! D:

Here is a video one of my friends, cat92299, made about the chaos. (I was dancing because the chaos diminished by the time cat made this video, and so much was going on at one time that I didn't see cat yelling at me to go over there.) D:

After this fight concluded, birdle, gggal, cat, and I pretended we were on an EXTREMELY unusual road trip. :P Here is a video I recorded featuring this... interesting experience. :P

We are so crazy... :P

That's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day! :D

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  1. Hey ws.. remember the Tiger Taco festival? XD

    Can you carry it on this year? cos it's a yearly event haha
    Its on August 10th.

  2. I say the Diamond Shop is good and bad. Bad is the items and the release of the gift card animals. Good is the fact international Jammers can get the animals they couldn't get before. Non members can get easy gems too! Personally I am more opposed to the shop, but I'm trying to look at it from both perspectives...


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