Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fun Game :)

Hey jammers! These days, one of my friends, gggal, has been coming up with quite a few games that have been making me think. These games might help my brain not become so rusty over summer vacation. :P

Yesterday, gggal came up with a game where a random item is placed in front of each person playing that game. Gggal then says "List 10 reasons why..." (although we usually stopped at 5) and lists the topic the people playing the game have to come up with reasons for. The first topic was "List 10 reasons why your item would not like grass." That was an interesting topic for me, for the item in front of me was a DIAMOND. O_O

My personal favorite set of reasons I came up with was for the topic "List 10 reasons why your animal would eat you." (I had a panda in front of me lol. :P)

1. It might feel threatened, and it would attack with rage.
2. A wizard could cast a spell on the panda.
3. Pandas are wild animals and not pets.
4. All the people at the zoo could intimidate the panda, and it could attack out of fear.
5. Even if any of these situations occurred, the panda is an herbivore, so it couldn't eat me. :D

Today gggal came up with a game where I had to guess what she drew on the doodle gadget of my xat chat box. Here is a video featuring this game. :)


Here is a link to the video in case you want to see a bigger version of the video. :)

Gggal came up with some really complicated objects to draw... lol.

That's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day! :D

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