Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hey jammers! Those of you who have viewed this blog for a while and/or have visited my Scammers and Mean Jammers page (DragonWolf70, you're probably going to know exactly who I'm talking about!) may have heard of Abby099, the first scammer/mean jammer I encountered after I created this blog. Way back in December 2011, this scammer attempted to borrow my clover blanket "for a second" while I was strolling through Jamaa Township.

Today, warriorcatz2, dragonrider12319, and I were planning on doing an adventure together when I spotted her in the Adventure Base Camp almost 2 years after the scam attempt.



(I was in my outfit that I usually wear when going on adventures.)
Wow... hopefully Abby stopped trying to scam people since the last time I encountered her. I seriously didn't even know she still played AJ. O_O

That's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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1 comment:

  1. I remember her.... :3
    Btw did you see my Halloween themed blog look? :3


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These rules are enforced so the AJ Galaxy will continue to be fun and safe for everyone to explore. Have fun commenting! :)

Yours truly,