Friday, November 29, 2013

Missing Animal Jam

Hey guys! I was just doing a few things on this computer, and I decided to look up my Animal Jam username on Google Images. Before I knew it, I found myself face-to-face with this list of amazing list of compliments I received over a year ago. I have to say, these comments made me really miss all of the fun memories I made on this awesome game!

While I'm posting this, I might as well post about the new updates in Jamaa as well. :D

That's right jammers; you can now transform into your very own pets! All you have to do is attend the new and seemingly epic Play-As-Your-Pet-Party! The awesomeness that will chill you to the bone (otherwise known as the Ice Armor) is now available in the Diamond Shop... and is that a deer I see off to the side of this edition of the Jamaa Journal? I believe so! Deer are coming to the awesome world of Jamaa! Will this animal be able to be purchased using gems or will diamonds be required for this graceful animal? Hopefully the first purchase option will be used!

Also, the Jamaalidays will be returning to Jamaa on December 1st! Can you believe it?! I certainly can't!

Be sure to log on to Animal Jam to experience these updates as well as all of the other epic memories that can be made in Jamaa!

I notice that quite a few of my awesome Animal Jam friends are online right now... :)

That's all for now jammers, and see you in Jamaa!!! :D

Create your own banner at!

1 comment:

  1. Have a look!
    I think u will like it ;DD


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Yours truly,