Sunday, December 25, 2011

Someone Running in Place? How?

I was in the Pillow Room today, when I saw someone running in place and saying, "BYE."

It's really weird, the "BYE" never seemed to go away, and I can't seem to figure out how to activate it. Also, sorry about the background noise.


  1. Hey! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Your my best friend!

  2. Thank you, and a Merry Christmas to you as well! :)

  3. Also, I think the glitch is activated by a bug in your computer, and everyone else sees it as you running in place, so if this prediction is correct, you can't physically activate it, unlike some other glitches, such as The Butter Floor Glitch.

    1. To answer your prediction, past self, the glitch IS a bug in the computer, but only the computer in which the glitch is occurring shows the glitch. :P


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