Saturday, December 31, 2011

What Were you Thinking AJ HQ?!

I was logging on to Animal jam today, and this was the daily gift.

AJ HQ, what were you thinking?! That we are all girly-girls who just LOVE pretty pink purses?! I mean, you have GOT to be kidding me! On the last day of Jamaaliday Gifts too! Here is me trying it on.

I mean, it just looks wrong! Ok, I admit, maybe I like it some, but I know a lot of people who wouldn't like it AT ALL!


  1. LOL, I can't stop laughing, and yes, it does look wrong. :P

  2. OMG i can't help laughing when I see how stupid the creaters of AJ can be right?

  3. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this blog and, I agree, i mean, two ppl have thought i was a BOY on AJ, I'm really not that girlie

  4. Thank you for the compliment, and I still think that purse looks wrong!


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