Saturday, May 5, 2012


While I was in sml26662's den as both wolfstar62867 and ilovewolves43, I was viewing ilovewolves43's account, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Wolfstar62867, sml26662, wolf72112, and ilovewolves43 had all been cloned!!!!! When I switched back to wolfstar's tab, however, the clones just vanished.

Weird........ have any of you ever experienced this? I have only experienced this once, and even then, it was just wolfstar, not wolfstar plus three friends!


  1. Hey wolf star, I REALLY need you and JB's help with my blog,like with the new items (u don't have to do the ones from today and also post your epic news) and you know I would do the same for you do can you do this favor for me?I can't get on my blog or aj at my house until we fix my computer and I can only get on the computer at my grandfather's house and I only go there to take care of him,but sometimes other ppl do it too do I don't go there everyday.Thanks!
    reporting from my phone again.


WHOA!!! Hold up, slam on the brakes!!! In order to comment on my blog, you must follow some VERY important rules! Here they are.

1. No insulting me or anything on my blog in any way.
2. No rascism, hatred, or bullying is allowed.
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4. Inappropriate comments of any type will NOT be tolerated!
5. Most important rule of all: NEVER I MEAN NEVER INSULT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!

Do ANY of the above and consequences WILL occur. Understood?

These rules are enforced so the AJ Galaxy will continue to be fun and safe for everyone to explore. Have fun commenting! :)

Yours truly,