Saturday, February 4, 2012

A New Blog has been Introduced!

Today, while sml26662 and I were hanging out on Animal Jam, I showed sml26662 how to create an Animal Jam blog! Here is the link!

I hope you enjoy it!


  1. thank you wolfstar now more people can see my blog

  2. its cool we have a blog!

  3. Thank you, and I think it's cool that we both have blogs too! :)

  4. wait can i ask u something?

  5. how do you get a profile picture?

  6. your a good friend

  7. First, you take a picture using Prnt Scrn. Then, click on the Start button, scroll over Programs, scroll over Accessories, and click on Paint. Once you get to paint, hold Ctrl while pressing V. Once the picture shows up, you can draw on it, erase parts of it, and/or crop it. If you can't crop on Paint, save the picture, go to, click on the Upload Photo button, and type the name of the photo you want to upload. Once there, click the Crop button. Once you are done drawing, cropping, erasing, etcetera, save the photo, and if I were you, I would save it to .jpeg if I could, but it's completely up to you which system you save it as. Then, go to your blog, and click on the View my complete profile button. Once there, click on the Edit My Profile button, scroll down to where it says Profile Photo, and click Browse. Then, type the name of the photo you wish to use as your profle picture. Once you have done this, scroll down until you see the Save Profile button. Click on it. Have fun with your new profile picture!

    1. it is not popping up im SOO tried

  8. Replies
    1. no problem thts wht friends are for right?

  9. Wolfstar can i ask u something how do u chose the thing the white click thingey like u have a earth and the skylander page has a cool thing

  10. First, go to Then, look for the cursor you want. Once you have found the cursor you want on your blog, click on it, and copy the first code. Then, go to your blog, click Design, and click Add a Gadget. Once there, click on the plus button beside the HTML/Javascript gadget, and copy the code into the content box. As for the title, you can call it whatever you wish! I hope you have fun with your new cursor!

  11. wait how do u get to add a gadeget

  12. If you are on your blog, click on Design at the top right hand area of your blog, and from there, click on any of the Add a Gadget buttons. If you are on your Blogger dashboard, it should say Design at the bottom of the box that describes the blog you own. Click on it, and click on any of the Add a Gadget buttons.


WHOA!!! Hold up, slam on the brakes!!! In order to comment on my blog, you must follow some VERY important rules! Here they are.

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These rules are enforced so the AJ Galaxy will continue to be fun and safe for everyone to explore. Have fun commenting! :)

Yours truly,