Saturday, February 4, 2012

TWO Flash Mobs........ IN ONE NIGHT!!! Also Featuring............ Terrible News Guys :(

Today, while some of my friends and I were hanging out in Jamaa, we decided to create a flash mob of horses! Just in case you don't know what a flah mob is, it is a group of people who go to a certain location and say a bunch of random things. Here is a picture of the horse flash mob!

Also, right after we warpped up the horse flash mob, we decided to do a flah mob where we were all different animals!!! DragonWolf70 was her horse, GoldenHunter7 was her lion, sml26662 was her seal, and I was my wolf! Here is a picture of the second flash mob!

Unfortunately, I also have some terrible news to share. One of my close friends on Animal Jam, named JammerGirl27546, who I call JB, and I were hanging out in Crystal Sands together, when JB told me that her mom would not let her go on Animal Jam again until this summer! :'( :'( :'( Also, there is a chance that JB will have to quit her awesome blog too! :'( JB, if you are reading this post, we want you to know that we already miss you dearly! :'(


  1. I'm reading it and it made my gut hurt i miss you all. And i'm gonna ask her if i can still get on the computer still i miss you all and i miss you to wolfstar.


  3. Wait, so you can get on Animal Jam after all?! Oh my gosh, that's AWESOME!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! :D :D :D


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