Sunday, April 22, 2012

Something Strange is Afoot........

While strolling throughout Jamaa today, I decided to check to see if JB's imposter (JammerGirl27546isughly) was on, but when I searched his username, this came up!

I also tried searching up the same username again, only without the h in "ughly," but it still didn't work!

Luckily, I had taken a picture of the imposter's profile before he got deleted, and it turns out, I actually got the username right the first time I typed it in!

Not long after this occurred, JB came on and told me the news: the imposter had not been deleted, rather, he had been at JB's den just this morning! At first, when we looked for him, we couldn't find him anywhere, but a few minutes later, he showed up at JB's den!

Sure enough, he had made another account! Here is his new profile!

Like the title of this post suggests, this is an event that was DEFINITELY very unusual and strange!


  1. You might not wanna say that because... There was a jammer at my den today and he said that was him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Today, there was anathor impostor of Jb, and his name is Jammer and I forgot the rest. This was a total liar cause' I asked him, "When is JB's b-day?" and he answered after a whole 10 minutes, so that meant he searched it up. I searched it and I got the same thing! He really was a liar... A lot of ppl like to impersonate this guy...


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