Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Movie Production!

Guess what jammers? I got some ideas for a new movie production! Here are the roles and an idea for the start of the play!

Character             Gender               Something About Them              
Julie                      girl                      has a very bright personality (dresses in bold colors)
Bailey                    girl                      likes pink
Carmen                 girl                      dresses like a tomboy
Alexander              boy                    dresses in mostly red, white, and/or black
Grim Reaper          boy                     is very scary-looking (must have scary name)
Spirit of Nora         girl                      is a spirit (must be completely white)
Swiftleaf                 girl                      wears different shades of green (leaf pattern recommended)

It is a glorious day in the fields, and Julie, Bailey, and Carmen are simply enjoying the sweet smell of the flowers and the soothing wind against their cheeks. Suddenly, a big, dark thunder cloud approaches. Kaboom! Everything goes black, and Julie, Bailey, and Carmen find themselves standing in the midst of a dark and spooky forest, with deadly monsters in every direction. Will the girls be able to make it out alive, or will they face an unfortunate death?

Well, I hope you like my ideas for the production, and comment below if you want to sign up for a part!


  1. Hehe I think you should be Julie. I could be the Spirit of Nora.

    1. Ya I think I'd be best at Julie as well. Also, sml asked me on Animal Jam today if she could be the Spirit of Nora, even though I personally think she'd be better at Bailey because sml loves pink.

    2. If I can't be that I'm ok. :D I just didn't pick Carmen because JB or SG (Suppergirl) would want to be her.

    3. I still don't know whether to put sml or you as the Spirit of Nora. Maybe we can talk about it when both of you are on, and I agree that either JB or SG would want to be Carmen, along with DW (DragonWolf70). Girls can be boy parts and vise-versa, though, so that should make things a little easier. :)

    4. D: I might not be able to play on aj alot!
      I'll be Swiftleaf My real fav. color is not red it's green!


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