Friday, August 3, 2012

5000 Views Party!!!!!

Hey jammers! You might have heard that SG (SupperGirl28) is hosting a 5,000 views party for her blog. Guess what? I am too! Here is the schedule for my 5,000 views party (I made sure the 5,000 views parties didn't overlap)!

Wolfstar62867's 5,000 Views Party!!!*

Day: August 3, 2012 (TODAY!!!)
Time: 5:30- 6:30 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Where: My den!
Server: Comet

*Schedule subject to change

Well, that's all for now jammers, and I hope to see you at my party!


  1. If I'm on at that time please remind me.

  2. hey ws lily here and i think this is new when you are under water the name and your animal with the thing to go to your den thing chnaged it looks more underwatery theme so i think i would make it i live in washinton so i have to book so i know


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5. Most important rule of all: NEVER I MEAN NEVER INSULT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!

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These rules are enforced so the AJ Galaxy will continue to be fun and safe for everyone to explore. Have fun commenting! :)

Yours truly,