Friday, August 3, 2012

An Awesome 5000 Views Party!!!

Hey jammers! We had a BLAST at my 5000 views party! Thank you for coming guys, it was AWESOME!!! I really couldn't have done it without you guys, and so I thank you incredibly for supporting my blog and me! Here is a video featuring my party!!!

I hope you guys enjoy the video, and have a jam-tastic day!


  1. lilyswuinkies here i just got scammed by my bff she said she will get meh membership for ever and her dad worked for animal jam i lost my fox hat no11!1!!!1!!!! ;(......


WHOA!!! Hold up, slam on the brakes!!! In order to comment on my blog, you must follow some VERY important rules! Here they are.

1. No insulting me or anything on my blog in any way.
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4. Inappropriate comments of any type will NOT be tolerated!
5. Most important rule of all: NEVER I MEAN NEVER INSULT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!

Do ANY of the above and consequences WILL occur. Understood?

These rules are enforced so the AJ Galaxy will continue to be fun and safe for everyone to explore. Have fun commenting! :)

Yours truly,