Friday, June 14, 2013


Hey jammers... I'm REALLY annoyed...

Ok, so kingchimp37 and I were just hanging out together, when this random person kept following us. Not long after we arrived in king's den, the random stranger said this to me while I was on a different tab for a few seconds (monster is king by the way).

Here is this person's profile.

This is the second time this has happened to me tonight! Earlier another person asked me the same thing when she thought one of my other friends on Animal Jam was a boy (I would post the picture I took, but my friend said I shouldn't)! >:(

Why do people think I'm going out with someone EVERY TIME I hang out with a boy or a girl that happens to dress up like a boy?! I mean seriously, girls and guys can be friends without being "together!"

Grrr... These romantic stereotypes anger me sometimes... >:(

P.S: On Sunday, we're going out of town, so for the next two weeks I will not be on Animal Jam as often. I might not be able to post on my blogs as much either. I am sorry for any inconvenience that arises because of this.

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  1. Dragon told me that's actually kinda degusting!

  2. I hate sterotypes like that. I mean, I used to get comments like that all the time, just because I was friends with a bunch of guys and talk to them! It's not like you can't be friends with some guy without dating them... last year, what bugs me as well, is that I'm friends with a boy who has brown hair and green eyes. He's a little shorter then me, and one grade below me. So, one day, we were walking around chatting about pokemon, and this guy came up to me and said, "Talking with your little brother, I see." I yelled at him extensively, because I've told practically LITERALLY everybody in my school that he's not my little brother, that we aren't even from the same state! (As you know, Black is my brother, but I'm not talking about him right now.) And still people say he's my little brother.. -.- I got them to shut up by showing them Black and saying "THIS is my brother." So yeeeahh..
    Sorry about ranting extensively :/
    P.S. Are the AJ Servers down today? I can't log into AJ, from my laptop or my computer..

    And seriously. What's with the 'please prove you're not a robot' thing? It was funny at first, but now its just ANNOYING and a waste of time... seriously. Why is it there?

    1. And I'm not questioning why you have it on your blog, I'm questioning why is it even in this world? I mean, Robots? Seriously? And robots SHOULD be intelligent enough to do read that...
      Again, sorry for ranting...

  3. I'm really sorry you had to go through this! Even if he WAS your younger brother, there is no reason why it would be a bad thing for you to talk to him! I was in the car all day traveling, so I don't know whether the servers on AJ are down or not. Also, the robot verification code never shows up for me on this blog, so I don't know how to remove it or if it can be removed. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. :(


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