Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm Back!!! :D

Hey jammers! As you can infer from the title, I have returned from my vacation! It feels weird sitting in front of a computer again, for I have been accessing the Internet through my iPad for the past two weeks. O_O

Because I have access to my computer again, I can now play Animal Jam again as well! :D

Speaking of Animal Jam, I kind of got mobbed with jamagrams while I was gone. O_O

I personally enjoyed my vacation very much, but it feels good to be home again. :)

That's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day everyone! :D


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  1. Hey Wolfstar! I'm having some trouble being able to post considering I'm vacationing in Florida. It would be really helpful if you could post for me. Daily New items are what I usually post!

    1. Hiya wolfstar :) Just wanted to say hello! I also wanted to say... RARE ITEM MONDAY IS FREEDOM GLOVES! EPIC WONDERS! GO GO GO! :D


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