Sunday, July 28, 2013

Updates :)

Hey jammers! Once high school starts in a week and half, I won't be able to post on either of my blogs as often as I can now. I am extremely sorry about this.

I know I'm posting this REALLY late, but here is a video I recorded on Thursday featuring the new land in Jamaa, Kimbara Outback, along with a few other updates! :D

Quite a few glitches, including the glitch that made my fox seem like she was the same level as my wolf, occurred as well after this update took place. Here is by far the worst glitch I have encountered of these (coolchico experienced this glitch as well).

The new items for yesterday and today were the turquoise necklace and the turquoise bracelet, two pieces of jewelry with my birthstone on them!!! :D 

To top this off, I learned today that coolchico has just received the extremely rare and epic nonmember bat wings! She also happened to be recording a video when she received them! :D :D :D

That's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day! :D

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1 comment:

  1. This spiritual pressure! Its so strong! What could it mean..??
    Well good for you! :)
    AHHHH TELEPORTING MASK!!! -throws it into a pit-
    P.S. The first part is a weird reference, and the last part is just craziness. But again, Good for you, CoolChico!


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