Friday, July 12, 2013

What The...? O_O

Hey jammers! I know it's been a while since I posted, and I apologize for this. I've been really busy this past week with an Aerospace Engineering camp project. :P Anyways, I was just hanging out with gggal on Animal Jam, and she told me to teleport to Jamaa Township. Once I arrived, I saw a crowd of about twenty people protesting against some jammer named bepper quitting!

To be honest, I don't even know who this bepper person IS... O_O

I don't know about them, but I feel that people should be able to leave when they feel it is time to leave without having to worry about a whole outburst initiating in Jamaa Township or in any location in Jamaa! D:

Anyways... there is a new adventure in the Phantom Adventures section of Jamaa (you can access it through the Parties tab or through the Lost Temple of Zios) for members only! Also, the Training Grounds and the first Phantom Adventure are now available for everyone! Be sure to check out these awesome adventures! :D

That's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day everyone! :D

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WHOA!!! Hold up, slam on the brakes!!! In order to comment on my blog, you must follow some VERY important rules! Here they are.

1. No insulting me or anything on my blog in any way.
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5. Most important rule of all: NEVER I MEAN NEVER INSULT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!

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These rules are enforced so the AJ Galaxy will continue to be fun and safe for everyone to explore. Have fun commenting! :)

Yours truly,