Monday, January 9, 2012

Animal Jam went Offline!

A few friends and I were just chatting in someone else's den, when all of a sudden, all of my friends started disappearing! At first, I didn't know WHAT was up, but a second later, a screen saying "You have been gone for too long and got logged off!" showed up, and at this point, I was really confused. I tried logging back on, but this screen popped up instead of the Animal Jam screen.

Seeing this screen cleared up all the confusion I had as to why everyone disappeared and I got logged off; Animal Jam went offline and never warned us! Honestly, I think Animal Jam had to undergo some maintenance, but the people at AJ HQ never had time to warn us. Hopefully by the time most of you read this post, Animal Jam will be back online, so I would try getting on Animal Jam just in case!

1 comment:

  1. This happened to me twice, nothing to worry about. Just check back later, and poof, your on Aj again.


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