Sunday, January 22, 2012

TWO Glitches Discovered in Best Dressed, AND a Glitch in Fruit Slinger!!!

I was playing Best Dressed to save for a barn house den, when I saw this.

TWO glitches in ONE game of Best Dressed!!! The first glitch involves one animal being on top of another one, and the other example is of an INVISIBLE ANIMAL! Pretty cool, huh? Just so you know, I am located in the very top left hand spot of the screen.

Just a few minutes after this incident, one of my friends, chikky1225, and I were playing Fruit Slinger together, when I discovered something mysterious and that goes against the laws of physics.

A floating block in Fruit Slinger! Dang, I sure am getting good at spotting glitches these days!

1 comment:

  1. I recently discovered a glitch on fruit slinger too. I was on level 4 and I shot my second dragonfruit but it disappeared and reappeared on the wall behind the slinger. Really weird


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