Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hailey500 and Soccer2719425: Mean Jammers!

JustinBieber27546, Kyra04, fashionh2o, and I were hanging out in Captain Melville's Juice Hut, when we met this jammer.

This jammer called all of us fat just because we were tigers, and she really got on our nerves, so I reported her. She also caused a huge fight because of this, and she was accompanied by this jammer.

This jammer also played a role in bullying us. Here is one of the things this jammer said.

I know it wasn't addressed to us, but it was still really mean! Here is the fight in which they caused together.

Fashionh2o and I decided we didn't want to be involved in this fight if we could avoid it, so we left Captain Melville's Juice Hut. Because of this, we don't know exactly how this fight ended.


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Yours truly,