Monday, January 16, 2012

Three Sky Glitches I Found on Animal Jam!!! Also featuring........ TWO GLITCHES IN ONE PIC!!!!!

Here are videos of three sky glitches I discovered by checking out snowyclaw's blog!!!

Here is the sky glitch in the Chamber of Knowledge!

Here is the Treehouse Sky Glitch!

Last but not least, here is the sky glitch in Mt. Shiveer!

I would like to thank snowyclaw for posting these glitches on their blog, and JustinBieber27546 for performing these glitches with me!

Also, while I was going to Mt. Shiveer to take the last video, my computer got really glitchy, and all of a sudden, TWO GLITCHES OCCURED AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! Here is a picture!

The locator says JustinBieber27546 is in the same room as I am, when really she is in the Coral Canyons, and I am in Mt. Shiveer! Also, while I was taking a picture of this glitch, I saw an INVISIBLE ANIMAL right below me!!!!!!! How awesome is THAT?!

Update: THEY FIXED ALL THE SKY GLITCHES!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( (please don't blame me for this, I'm already sad as it is)


  1. Those glitches were awesome!


  3. I believe all the glitches on this post are super awesome and epic!!!!! :)


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