Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey jammers. Something really creepy occurred today in real. O___O I was just in the band room at my school, and I went in the locker room to get my instrument (an alto saxophone), when one of my classmates, who I know somewhat, randomly came up and HUGGED me. I don't know if he thought I was someone else or not, but something tells me he didn't..... O_________O

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day.... O____O

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  1. That's scary...! But I wonder what he looks like... 0-0

  2. 0.o there is this first graders who chases all the forth graders like meh and he hugs them and kisses them on the sholder!! he almost did tht to meh!!!! suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu grossssss

  3. LOL!
    My friend dared me to hug someone today... they were all like flirting (so sick!) -_- and they told me to hug that guy... theres nothing wrong with that, my best friend is a guy! And then they were all like
    Then I dared one of them to go hug a lonely dude, and she was like
    . . . SERIOUSLY!? Whats wrong with hugging people? I do it every day! (yup I really do)

  4. Maybe He Likes You....... just saying that could be why he hugged you


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