Sunday, October 7, 2012

Yay :D

Hey jammers! Today dadmumme and I got to see each other in real for the first time since March! We had a blast! :D At first we absolutely COULD NOT stop talking about our experiences and imitating epic fails. :P After Mom made us lunch (cheese pizza and strawberries), I let dadmumme choose one of the board games I kept in my closet for us to play (she was the guest after all), and we played the game she chose, Battleship. At one point in the game dadmumme snatched my captured man and said "I got your captured man!" I was like "NU!" and we tackled each other. :P I am currently wearing the Best Friends necklace dadmumme got me today. -blushes- :P I guess that just goes to show that people can be really close friends despite how far they are from each other. :D

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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  1. XD XD XD LOL.

    "I have your captured man!"
    LOL thanks WS I had an awesome time!

  2. Nice to know. :)
    It's my birthday on the 15th of October! :D

  3. Wow thats so cool! I'm getting my bff one of those when you put them together it says BFF :D It's surprise SO DON'T TELL PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  4. _lily kk got ya ;) and epic! pizzzzzzzzzzzzzza my favvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv baaaaaaaiiiiiiii

  5. - whoa is that the REAL dadmumme??? she mostly uses her puppies101 some thing like that account is she just pretending to be dadmume? i;m keeping a close eye on you.... only if your not the real dadmume by agian -lilysquinkies

  6. I am the real dadmumme. My blogger user is puppie10 not puppies101 lily! XD Oh and dont watch me like that.....

  7. LOL i was talking to Lily.

    -I have u captured man.- -MAN HOW LONG IS IT GONNA GO ON??? XD-



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