Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Remembered What My Halloween Costume In 2011 Was... O_O

Hey jammers. I was just hanging out in Jamaa, when I became rather bored, so I decided to see if i could figure out what I wore for Halloween last year on AJ. I remembered that I used to run around in the Phantom Vortex a lot last year when I was bored, so I decided to go there. I remembered right off the bat I was wearing my bat mask last year (oh haha right off the BAT, BAT mask... lol), so I put that on. Then I figured out the rest from there based off of what I remembered. Here is what I figured out my Halloween costume was. O_O

The only difference between this and my actual outift is that I think back in October of 2011, I still had the blue lava glove I usually wore before trading it for a purple lava glove a month later. (I got my blue lava glove in October 2011) :P

I LOOKED SO WEIRD LAST YEAR!!! O_________________________O Oh well, I guess it could have been worse. :P

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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    You can play Sky High here!

  2. I'm getting an arctic wolf tomorrow! :D


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