Sunday, October 21, 2012

ERRRG!!! >:(

GRRRR! We searched at Best Buy, Wal-mart, GameStop, even KROGER just in case they had the Arctic Wolf membership card for Animal Jam, and none of them even had a TAG saying they had them!!!! I even checked on Best Buy's, Toys-r-Us's, and Wal-Mart's websites when I got home to see if they had them there! But nooooo! Best Buy and Toys-R-Us didn't have them at all, and when I searched for it on Wal-Mart's website, I found this! GRRRR!!! D:<

(Click to Enlarge)

Ok, I am REALLY ticked off at National Geographic for making us have to go to the store to get this card. "Oh, and it's only at CERTAIN stores too." GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:<

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  1. Wolfstar, in the animal jam outfitters store online they might sell the arctic wolf there, if so i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO going to buy it right there so i know i have the arctic wolf


    1. I wish they did, but I check there earlier today, and it doesn't even say anything about the arctic wolf gift card. It has the lion gift card on there though :l

    2. THAT STINKS!!! maybe they will sell them online at the store Later this week... i hope because my family NEVER goes to walmart

      tennessee2001 who is very Upset with animal jam <.<

  2. lol, at least u hav a chance of getting it cuz i dun even hav walmart :l


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