Sunday, December 23, 2012


Hey jammers! Guess what?! I spotted an epic glitch today!!! Not only that, but I figured out how to activate it! Here is how you activate this glitch. :D

First, go to your buddy list, and click on one of your friends.

The reason I was able to click on my user on my buddy list was because I did this glitch as ilovewolves43. Also, you can do this with both online and offline friends, but if the friend is online, make sure he/she is not on the same room as you, or it won't work. (LOL LONGEST CAPTION EVER :P :P :P)

Now click on the Animals tab of your friend's profile, and click on a few animals.

After clicking around on the animals on your friend's profile, click on another friend on your buddy list, then click the first friend again.

Again, the friend can be offline or online.

Your friend's profile should come up with something like this.

Those of you who know me on AJ know that I don't normally look like this as my wolf. Normally I look like this. :P

Here are all the combinations of clothes and patterns on my member's wolf I saw so far while performing this glitch. :P

The second pic is my personal favorite, but they all look really weird. XD

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day!

Create your own banner at!


  1. Hey woldatar i am quiting animal jam. Bye forever


  2. hehehe i was never on much today :P -lilysquinkies- false alarm i'll going skiing next week i can stay and be santa this year :L


WHOA!!! Hold up, slam on the brakes!!! In order to comment on my blog, you must follow some VERY important rules! Here they are.

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Yours truly,