Saturday, December 15, 2012

-GASP- !!!!!

OMG!!!! I figured out who was being mean to sml on her blog!!! Apparently it was a friend of hers on AJ named Burned!!!! Here are links to two posts, one talking about Burned's comments on sml's blog and another revealing that the mean person was indeed Burned!!! :O

Well, that's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day! :O :O :O

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  1. How do you know it was the same person that commented?

  2. -dadmumme-

    i typed up his username and he came up as "burned"

  3. Burned?
    Oh gosh!
    I got a screenshot of them saying to someone:
    ho shut yo mouth yo piece of trash
    They have foul language...
    But oh my gosh!
    However, are you positive-er then LIFE, that it is the same person?

    1. lol, "ho shut yo mouth yo piece of trash" thats funny
      of course im not trying to be offensive or anything, but if you read that out loud it sounds funny.

    2. I actually figured out on another blog that the mean person was doglover59, not Burned... of course, they could have BOTH done it...

  4. wow.. im just glad this got solved. -sighs- im more peace loving currently.. playing the endless forest does that...


  5. I'm quitting Animal Jam, Bye forever everybody!


  6. Woah! I can't believe that someone was so mean on Sml's own blog too!


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