Tuesday, April 9, 2013

For Warriorcatz2 (Everyone Else Can Ignore This Post)

Here is the link I was talking to you about that had that really creepy story of what happened after a guy on Animal Jam broke the ice in Mt. Shiveer. O__O


That's all for now, and have a jam-tastic day! :)

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  1. its fake! it was just a scary story no worries c: -lilysquinkies

  2. I had a feeling it was fake, but I wasn't sure. :P

  3. It's totally fake. People come up with fake stories that sound real. The real stories won't come till SERVERS of people see the thing. There is this story where two huge clans clashed and fought REPEATEDLY. I know that it's true because I was in sarepia at the time. I caught the Clans names; VenomClan and IceClan. I'm not sure who won the 'war' though.. So yeah, that story is totally fake.



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