Saturday, September 22, 2012

Drifting Tides Book!

Hey jammers! Since we aren't going to do the Drifting Tides series, I decided to create a book out of the storyline of the series! Here is the cover, table of contents, and Chapter 1 of the book!

Chapter 1: Meet the Sisters

Faolan and Violet were two very skillful sisters who lived with their father for the first 9 years of Faolan's life and the first 7 years of Violet's life. Faolan was taught quite a few skills about how to use a bow and arrow, specifically the bow and arrow her father kept, and during Violet's childhood, she had taken up quite an interest in the knives that her father collected over the years. Faolan and Violet's mother died when they were both too young to remember her, and even though Faolan was more skilled with a bow and arrow than Violet was of knives, Violet had a fairly good experience with knives from when she threw knives and slashed the practice dummy the family kept outside the hut in which they lived. Faolan and Violet's father had already started teaching Faolan how to use a bow and arrow when Violet became so interested in knives she decided to teach herself how to use them. Then one day, Faolan and Violet's father joined the Army in hopes of protecting his daughters from the armed forces of other countries, and it changed Faolan and Violet's lives forever.

To Be Continued

I also give credit to MoonWolfa for coming up with the series in the first place. Without her this book would not have been possible. The chapters probably aren't going to be very long, they will probably only be a few paragraphs long each, maybe more, maybe less, depending on the chapter.

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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