Saturday, September 15, 2012

Scammer Alert!!!

Hey jammers! Lilysquinkies and I were just hanging out in Jamaa Township, when we spotted this scammer in action.

When lily and I screamed out "SCAM!" Pouncing responded with "i'm only 5. i don't scam." How in the world are we supposed to believe that?! Besides, if she really WAS only 5, she probably wouldn't know that much about how to scam people! Here is her profile picture.

I mean seriously, why do so many people scam on AJ?! For one thing, it isn't fair to other jammers, and second, it only makes the scammers look selfish. Also, be sure to report aleelee for being a scammer!

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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  1. my brother is turning 5 next week and he doesnt even know how to type his own name on the computer yet, so if that girl really was 5 then she must be einstein #2...


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