Friday, September 28, 2012

Late RIM + Drifting Tides 2 Coming Soon! :D

Hey jammers! Here is the RIM for this week. :)

Sorry I posted about the RIM so late, I was really busy this week with school, so I wasn't able to post about the RIM until today.

I decided to save the best news for last: we came up with some ideas for the movie Drifting Tides 2, and it's coming soon! DT2 is basicly DT1 but with a different storyline. DT2 is also the sequel of DT1. Here is a sneak peak at the characters and summary of the movie!

Faolan (MoonWolfa):

Age: 18
Weapon: Sword

Violet (me! :D):

Age: 14
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
 Rose (sml26662):

Age: 2
Weapon: None
Bubblegum (my hamster :P):

Age: 3
Weapon: Sword
Epona (Ejaecourts):

Age: Unknown
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
 Faolan, Violet, and Rose are three sisters who were born in a life full of danger. Food was scarce, and in order to get food, you had to hunt it for yourself. Faolan had always been interested in watching people throw knives, and she decided to teach herself how to use knives to hunt animals. Violet, on the other hand, was very interested in archery, and her mother taught her many skills that Violet would keep for life. Unfortunately, Faolan, Violet, and Rose's mother died shortly after Rose was born, and the sisters' father joined the army when Rose was just a year old in hopes of protecting the family from the armed forces invading their country. After their father set off to fulfill his duties, the sisters were left alone in the hut, and they set off on a treacherous journey of survival and risk. Will the sisters be able to survive the dangers of the wild, or will they face an unfortunate death?

If you want to sign up for a part, comment below and tell me your character's name, weapon, and age (it doesn't have to be your real age)
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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  1. Hey Wolfstar!
    It's dadmumme! I want a part! (If it isnt full! :P) My Charachter:

    Name: Thunder
    Weapon: Bow and Arrow.

    Thanks WS!

  2. Hey WS this is Tennessee2001

    can i be in the movie?

  3. Ok

    Name: Angel
    Age: 13
    Weapon: Sword


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