Sunday, September 23, 2012

My New Animal Jam Randomness Video!!!

Hey jammers! Because I had such an urge to create an AJ Randomness video, that's what I did! Here it is!

I hope you like it, and have a jam-tastic day jammers!

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1 comment:

  1. Here is a list of the songs and other material that isn't mine that I used in this video. :) (yes, I literally just realized that I should probably give the original authors credit for these... LOL. :P)

    I Got a Feeling- Black Eyed Peas
    I Believe I Can Fly- R. Kelly
    "Don't Touch That Cactus"- ASDF

    I can't remember who that explosion sound effect video belongs to, and I can't find it on YouTube. :l It's not mine though. :P


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