Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hey jammers! Today we spotted FOUR imposters! The imposters' usernames are JammerGirl27546shouldDIE, jammergirlandwolftownrinlove, IHaTeYuGiO123 and a returning imposter, kittensrule67!!!!!! Here are pictures of these imposters in order of which we saw them!!!





All four of these imposters were VERY mean!!! And I have a feeling the same person created all four of them too!!! I mean seriously, why waste your time impersonating people when you can play Animal Jam for the reason it was established?!?! You're just going to get banned anyway, so why do it? Anyways, be sure to report these imposters for inappropriate behavior!!!!

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

1 comment:

  1. They were dating too!

    -Yugio123 P.S the black wolf is mean :(


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