Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Got Tagged

Hey jammers! I actually just got tagged by ILMP (Ilovemypets8) yesterday. If you don't know what it means to be "tagged" by someone, here are the rules for what you do when someone "tags" you (I copied and pasted these XD).

1. You must re-post these rules.

2. You must post 10 things about yourself.

3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger.

4. You must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag.

5. You must tag 2 people.

Ok, well I just completed number 1, now on to number 2.
  1. I LOVE math and science!!!! Not only are they my 2 favorite subjects, I also plan on becoming a scientist one day!
  2. I really like to go bicycling with my parents on the weekends.
  3. I get a little creeped out when bees and wasps start hovering near you as if they're looking for something to sting/bite.
  4. You might think me weird for this, but I LOVE school, especially the fact that you can learn new things in school!
  5. My birthday is just a couple of weeks before Christmas.
  6. My relatives always tease me by saying I am just like a fish, considering I ereally like swimming in a pool or at the beach.
  7. Chickadees are my favorite birds of all time!!! THEY'RE JUST SO CUTE!!!!!!
  8. Sometimes when I am bored, I like to just sit down and think up stories inside my head.
  9. I really like drawing or painting pictures. I'm really good at it in real life, even though I stink at it on the computer.
  10. I love hanging out with friends and meeting new ones!!! :D
Here are the questions ILMP sent me and my responses to them!
  1. Your parents say you can get a kitten or a puppy. Which do you choose?
    I would go with the kitten. I LOVE cats! :D
  2.  What was your first pet?
    Well.... if I say the answer to this question my parents would probably get me in trouble for spilling personal info, so I'm not gonna say the answer to this one.
    3. Who is your fave...? Cress, Cilan, or Chilli...? (google it, they're from pokemon black and white.)
    My favorite character of these three would have to be Cilan. I think the main reason for that though is because I saw him when watching the Pokemon White series in the mornings a while back. XD
    4. If you had a monkey would you only have one if they're rare?
    Not really. On AJ I like to experience having as many of the different kinds of animals as possible, including monkeys. :)
    5. Where did your username come from?
    I was just creating my Animal Jam account, and wolfstar just popped into my mind! I tried it out, and it was already taken, so I chose one of the suggested users, and it just happened to be wolfstar62867!
    6. If you could have 1 wish (other than more wishes) what would you want?
    Hmmmmm....... this is a tricky one........ I would have to say I wish I could visit Italy and all it has to see. I heard the place is simply wondrous!
    7. What is your favorite animal?
    In real life it would HAVE to be tigers!!!! They're just simply wonderful! On Animal Jam though wolves and foxes are my favs. :)
    8. Have you ever won a cool contest?
    Hmm..... On AJ, no. In real life....... I came close. A long time ago (5 years ago to be exact), I was in the 4th of July Parade with one of my grandparents' friends, along with his grandson, and we decorated my grandparents' friend's golf cart for the parade, and when we were in the parade, we got 3rd place! :D
    9. What's your religion?
    Please no one insult me for this, but I'm non-religious......
  3.  Oh my gosh that was HILARIOUS!!! During the whole thing I was like "Dude, why don't you try a DIFFERENT strategy for closing the window?!" LOL! But at the end....... I was a little creeped out. O.O
Here are questions I came up with for the people I am going to tag!
  1. If you could go anywhere in the world for a full month, where would you go?
  2. What's your favorite subject in school?
  3. If you were given the opportunity to test out the newest Time Machine, would you accept?
  4. What is your favorite food in the entire WORLD?
  5. What are some hobbies you enjoy?
  6. Describe one thing that you truly HATE.
  7. Would you rather live in a place where it's scalding hot year-round or in a place that's freezing cold year-round?
  8. Describe your perfect dream-life.
  9. Have you ever had any embarassing moments? If so, describe an embarssing moment you have experienced.
  10. What is your absolute favorite month of the year and why?
Here are the 2 jammers I'm going to tag!
  • sml26662
  • XxLaykinxX
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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