Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tagged for the 5 Millionth Time O_O

Hey jammers! As you were probably expecting, I got tagged again by sml. O_O Here are the rules (I'm getting tired of this XD)!
  1. You must re-post these rules.
  2. You must post 10 things about yourself.
  3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger.
  4. You must make up 10 new questions for the people you tag.
  5. You must tag at least 2 people.
Well here are the facts.
  1. I STILL have a sign on my bedroom door from Halloween. I just noticed that. O_O
  2. In my room I have quite a few posters up.
  3. Sometimes I get a little lazy about putting dishes in the sink right away. :P
  4. I'm REALLY good at math. (did I say this already?)
  5. My portal of power is evil. >:(
  6. There are a lot of songs I didn't know the titles of until recently.
  7. This tagging thing is getting boring.
  8. I'm serious.
  9. This is no joke.
  10. I want to spice things up some more on my blog, but this tagging takes FOREVER.
Here are sml's questions!

1. Do you prefer AJ or Spongebob Squarepants?
Probably AJ considering I like never watch TV. SPONGEBOB IS STILL AWESOME THOUGH!!!!!
2. Do you like Chickadees?
YES!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE MY FAV BIRDS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
3. What is your favorite number?
4. Is Wolfstar62867 your friend? (XD)
Why, she's the awesomest jammer ever, of course she's my friend!!!!! LOL XD
5. Do you like any kind of cheese?
Almost. Believe it or not, I'm actually not a big fan of Swiss cheese.
6. Do you like any certain type of dog? If so, List them below please.
Probably my fav dogs are Shih Tzus, Golden Retrievers, and Chihuahuas. :)
7. Do you perfer cheese or butter?
8. Would you eat dirt if you had to?
I guess...
9. Does your back hurt? (Mine does LOL)
Not really.
10. Do you like pizza?

Here are my questions!
  1. Blue or yellow?
  2. Pink or purple?
  3. Black or red?
  4. Do you like to travel?
  5. What is your favorite subject?
  6. Describe the best memory you've ever had on AJ.
  7. Is this tagging thing getting boring to you guys? I know it is to me!
  8. Do any of you think I should post more about AJ and less about tagging?
  9. What is your favorite part about AJ?
  10. Are you about to go to sleep any moment- zzzzzzzzz.
Here are the people I'm going to tag!
  • Ilovemypets8
  • Cinnamonrose
  • SupperGirl28
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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