Friday, July 13, 2012

New Drifting Tides Movie to be Produced!!!

Hey jammers! JB (JammerGirl27546) came up with an idea while we were hanging out yesterday: to create a new movie called Drifting Tides! Here is a summary of the movie!

With a mother dead and a father off in the Navy, Faolan and her younger sister Violet have been left at a very young age penniless and alone in the forest, with only a sword and a bow to guide them through the dangers of life. Faolan takes the bow and Violet takes the sword, and a great and treacherous adventure of survival begins.

Here are the current parts!

Character Names- Username Parts Belong To
Faolan- JammerGirl27546
Violet- wolfstar62867
Cookies- Cinnamonrose
Fauna- Feelers

Faolan- Girl
Violet- Girl
Cookies- Girl
Fauna- Girl

Faolan- Bow and Arrow
Violet- Sword
Cookies- Ninhoto Katama Sword, Cookies, and Humor
Fauna- Unknown

Personalities (most of these I copied and pasted)
Faolan- Faolan is a very brave warrior.
Violet- Violet is a brave warrior who faces her enemies with confidence. She is always there to help her sister, Faolan, and she remains strong in even the toughest situations.
Cookies- Cookies has a good sense of humour even in the most dangerous situations, strong, good fighter, battle-hungry, defensive of her friends, brave, likes eating cookies.

Here are pictures of the cast so far!


Violet (Me!):


If you want to sign up for a part, please comment below and let me know your character name, gender, weapon you are going to use, and a little bit of your character's personality. Thanks! :)

Also this is my 150th post! YAAAY!!!!!!! :D

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!


  1. coooooooooooooooooooool
    i wanna join
    Name: Cookies
    Gender: Female
    Weapon(s): Ninhoto Katana Sword, cookies, humour.
    Personality: A good sense of humour even in the most dangerous situations, strong, good fighter, battle-hungry, defensive of her friends, brave, likes eating cookies.
    Congrats for the 150th post! ;)

    1. Cool! I'll update this post as soon as possible, and thanks! :)

  2. Replies
    1. I wasn't able to get a picture of you as your character, and I wanted you to be able to come up with your character's personality. Also is this correct for your character?

      Name: Faolan
      Weapon: Bow and arrows
      Gender: Female

      I had a feeling that is correct, but I wasn't certain. Also can you comment with your character's personality please? Thanks! :)

  3. DUN DUN DUN. . .

  4. WOOHOO!

    This blog is amaz-a-zing


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