Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tagged by Sml

Hey jammers! During the past week people have been tagging each other all over the place.... and this time I got tagged by sml26662! Again here are the rules XD.
  1. You must re-post these rules.
  2. You must post 10 things about yourself.
  3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger.
  4. You must make up 10 new questions for the people you tag.
  5. You must tag at least 2 people.
Here are 10 MORE things about myself! O_O
  1. I like Discovery Girls magazines a lot. :D
  2. I have about half of the Skylanders, but I can't use them because my stupid portal keeps making them stop working. >:(
  3. I actually play a game called Everquest 2. :)
  4. I used to collect money I would find on the sidewalk that I couldn't determine who it belonged to (and still do).
  5. A cat is sitting on my desk RIGHT NOW. :P
  6. Some of my favorite bands include Owl City, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga.
  7. My favorite song would have to be Fireflies by Owl City.
  8. Some games I used to play but don't anymore include Webkinz, Club Penguin, World of Warcraft, and Wizard 101.
  9. In real life I play the alto saxophone and the keyboard. :)
  10. I love Animal Jam!!!!! The only part about Animal Jam I DON'T like is the drama. >:(
Here are the 10 questions sml asked!

1. What is your favorite animal?
On Animal Jam it's a tie between the wolf and the fox, but in real life it's the tiger! :D
2. What symbol do you perfer to use? This: :) or this: :D?
I usually prefer to use this :) but when I get really happy about something I use this :D.
3.Have you ever been on a site better than AJ?
I actually think AJ and Everquest 2 (EQ2 for short) are tied for the best games I ever played. :)
4.What is your favorite type of pop?
Probably either Cherry or Butterscotch. :)
5. What do you prefer Puppies or Kittens?
Kittens for certain! :D
6. Do you like cheese?
7. What is the best book you ever read?
It's a tie between Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries, Warrior Cats, and Harry Potter. :)
8. Do you perfer candy or popcicles?
Hmm..... I think I prefer popsicles, but they're both awesome! :D
9. Whats your favorite TV show?
Spongebob Squarepants! :D
10. Do you like pie?
Certain types, yes. :)

Here are 10 MORE questions I came up with XD.
  1. What is your favorite drink?
  2. Has it ever been so hot (or cold) that you thought you were gonna DIE?
  3. What is your favorite type of ice cream?
  4. Which do you prefer to do on Animal Jam: play games or hang out with friends?
  5. What is your favorite animal that you can keep as a pet?
  6. Who is your favorite band EVER?
  7. Do you prefer watching TV or reading books?
  8. If you could do just 2 things for a whole week what would they be?
  9. Which writing utensil do you prefer: pencils or pens?
  10. Is Animal Jam SUPER FANTASTICLY AWESOME to you???
Finally, here are the ppl I'm going to tag!
  • Cinnamonrose
  • Feelers
  • Ilovemypets8
Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

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