Saturday, June 30, 2012

A New Clan Has Been Established!!!

Hey jammers! Today I was just hanging out in Jamaa, when my friends and I decided to start a clan! We decided to name it Iceclan, and already quite a few people are in it! Here is a picture of me in my form I use for Iceclan!

Basic Information
Name: Roseleaf
Position: Medicine Cat (yes, we are cats in this clan, even though you can be any animal)
Personality: Roseleaf is a very brave cat who will always be there to help her clan. She always does her best to save the lives of as many injured warriors and apprentices as possible, and she would risk her life to save Iceclan.
More Information: Roseleaf started out as a kit with a dream to be the best warrior Iceclan has ever known. However, while she was training as an apprentice, she decided that being a warrior just didn't seem to suit her, so she decided to become a medicine cat. Because of this, she switched from being an apprentice to being a medicine apprentice, and to this day she remains proud to be the medicine cat of Iceclan.

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

P.S: Please don't think that by joining Iceclan I betrayed Dragon Clan. I am very loyal to both clans, and I would never betray either of them.

Answer to Favorite Food Poll!

Hey jammers! As you may know, the poll set up to guess what my favorite food is is officially closed. I have to say, quite a few jammers voted, and to those who voted for this poll, thank you!

Now that the answers have been submitted and the poll is closed, it is time for me to say what my favorite food is once and for all! Here is the answer!

Answer (only uncover this if you want to know what the answer was):

LASAGNA!!!!!!!! XD

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!


Hey jammers! Today I was just hanging out with some friends, when we discovered a REALLY GROSS imposter! She kept acting all lovey-dovey towards us, and it was just plain GROSS! Here is their profile picture!

After a while of her acting as gross as she did, I realized something: she acted in exactly the same way as JB's (JammerGirl27546's) imposters did when THEY acted all lovey-dovey, and I came to the conclusion that Ilovebunnylover575 was the same person as JB's imposter! She also sent me 5 jam-a-grams, 3 of them being like average jam-a-grams, and 2 of them being lovey-dovey! Here are the non-lovey-dovey jam-a-grams!

Here are the lovey-dovey jam-a-grams the imposter sent!

I have to say, that was quite a gross experience! Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Introducing..... A New Blog!!!!!

Hey jammers! Guess what? One of my friends on Animal Jam, Cutie4Eva2182, created a brand new blog today! Here is a link to her truly amazing blog!!!!

Cutie4Eva's AWESOME AJ!

Well, that's all for now jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

How to Get Snow on Your Blog (For Sml)

Hey jammers! You might remember that time when I posted a video showing how to add snow to your blog. Well, one of my friends, sml26662, asked me how to get snow on her blog, so this post is especially for her! Here is a link to the post featuring the video!

How to Get Snow on Your Blog

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

A Zoo Has Been Established!!!!

Hey jammers! Guess what? One of my friends, BunnyLover575, came up with two awesome ideas: to come up with a zoo and an AJ's Got Talent in my den! And guess what else?! The zoo has officially been established! I decided to call it The Animal Jam Adventure, and here is a sneak peek at the zoo!

(Click to Enlarge)

Pretty cool, huh? I will also be hiring people to work at the zoo! To experience this amazing zoo first-hand, simply come to my den! As many of you know, my user is wolfstar62867, and I will keep my den unlocked so anyone can visit the zoo! See ya- hey WAIT A MINUTE! Before you leave this blog and go to the zoo, I must go over a few rules of the zoo to keep everyone safe!

  1. DO NOT use weapons while in the zoo (except to cut lemons to make lemonade; also you can wear weapons, just don't use them)
  2. NO climbing/jumping over/leaning on the fences when at the zoo (no exceptions, for I made specific walkways around the pens) for 2 reasons: 1. Too many people doing this could break a fence, letting the animals in that pen loose (not good!) 2. For your own safety (A lot of animals don't like strangers in their territory, and besides, you could get badly injured doing these kinds of things)
  3. NO stealing lemonade (they are 2 gems each)
  4. NO feeding the animals (unless you are one of the staff members)
  5. NO playing with the animals (staff members must interact with the animals a certain way)
  6. NO I MEAN NO harming the animals in the zoo!!!!!!!! Breaking this rule will cause you to be severely punished.
Well, anyways, that's all for now jammers, and I hope to see you at the zoo!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Report This Jammer!!!!

Hey jammers! Today we were just doing a movie produsction, and a friend of mine, avgmonkey, was the bad guy in the movie, and the whole movie turned out pretty good until we combated the bad guy. Then avg kept saying "miss" everytime we tried to attack her, even when we said "no miss!!!!" At one point we asked avg politely to please stop missing our attacks, and then she said "I can miss all I want," and started being really mean about it, turning the movie fight into a REAL fight!!!! Later on she even scammed one of my other friend's, caroline148531's, red rare giraffe plush!!! Even though avg gave the rare plush back to caroline, I'm still MAD!!!! Here is her profile picture!

Be sure to report this jammer for being a scammer AND a mean jammer!!!

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

Random and Epic Party!!!!!!

Hey jammers! Today I was hanging out with a couple of friends, when pink4263 came up with an idea: to start an epic party in Club Geoz!!! Here is a video I took of the party!

Pretty cool huh? We had a blast! Unfortunately people started leaving towards the end of the video, and one of the jammers partying said that our party was no longer awesome just because there weren't as many people!!! I mean you can have the best party EVER with just 2 people you know!

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

For Sml :)

Hey jammers! I dowloaded a song for sml. Here it is!

  Katy Perry - Wide Awake by Jellybeanx35


<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=false&amp;color=fe00ff"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src=";show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=false&amp;color=fe00ff" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object>   <span><a href=" Perry - Wide Awake</a> by <a href=">

Well, that's all for now jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What a Predicament............

Hey jammers! Today I was hanging out with sml26662 and pinkie70, two friends who met looking EXACTLY alike but with different animal names. Today pinkie70 created a new animal that looked EXACTLY like sml26662, name included! Here is a video of The Pinkster Twins!!!!

Also, to make identification of the twins even harder, I couldn't check their tags! Well, that's all for now jammers! I hope you enjoyed the video, and have a jam-tastic day!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Soul Wolves Band has been Established!

Hey jammers! Today I was just hanging out with some friends, when wolfypup7 came up with an idea: to start a band! The band is called The Soul Wolves, and we're always open to new members! Here is a picture!

(From L-R) Back: Blaze star (JammerGirl27546)
Front: Dancing fire (Countess Grandninja), Pink soul (wolfypup7), and Starwolf (me!!!)
Here is a list of all the members of the band!

 Singers                                                      Guitar Players                  
Dancing fire (Countess Grandninja)             nbney* (nicoleie2)
Pink soul (wolfypup7)

Drummers                                       Dancers                
Red moon (BunnyLover575)                Starwolf (me!)
Blaze star (JammerGirl27546)

*nbney= no band name established yet

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

6 Months! WOOT!!!

Hey jammers! Guess what?! It's officially been 6 months since I started my blog! That's right jammers, I started on December 23, 2011, and today is June 23, 2012! Because of this, I would like to wish the AJ Galaxy a happy Half-Birthday! 6 months of jam-tastic awesomeness!!!!! :D


What I looked like when I first started the blog :)

What I look like now! :D

More fireworks!!!!!!!! LOL!

Well, that's all or now, jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day of half-birthday awesomeness!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wolfstar Clone Clan Has Been Established! Also, Therareitem Was Spotted!!!!

Hey jammers! Today I was just hanging out with my friends on Animal Jam in my den, when sml26662 decided to look like me again (she sometimes looks like me for humor). That gave me an idea: to establish a Wolfstar Clone Clan! I brought in my 2 clones, ilovewolves43 and MoonStar98, and the clan began! Watch the video below if you dare...... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! >:)

Not long after the Wolfstar Clone Clan was established, sml told me to follow her, and sure enough, we spotted therareitem (a scammer who scammed SparkleWolf123's panda plush a while back) in her den!!!

Here is therareitem's profile to proove that she really is therareitem!

If you see this jammer, be sure to be extra careful! Your panda plush could be next!

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The First Day of Summer is Here!!!

That's right jammers! The first day of the season of Summer is finally here!!!!! I would like to wish everyone a happy Summer (or Winter if you live in the Southern Hemisphere), and we can all hope this is the best Summer/Winter we ever have on AJ or anywhere really!

To conclude, I hope you all have a jam-tastic Summer jammers!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Costume for JB's Clan Movie!

Hey jammers! Today I was checking out JB's (JammerGirl27546's) blog, when I saw that she needed our costumes for her clan movie! Here is my costume for my part in the movie, Lightningstar!

Even though part of the clan movie has already been made, JB decided to redo it, and I loved my costume so much I decided to keep it! LOL!

Here is the link to JB's blog for more info on the movie!


Well, that's all for now jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

We Figured Out Who Created Wolfstar628678!

Hey jammers! Today I was just hanging out with some friends, when SW (SparkleWolf123) said she figured out who created one of my imposters, wolfstar628678!

I asked her who the creator of wolfstar628678 was, and she said it was a jammer named Ocean78!

I'm still confused about this whole situation: why would this jammer create an imposter of someone he doesn't even know?!?! Weird...... Well that's all for now jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Finally Figured Out How to Get a New Icon for the Blog!!!

Hey jammers! I finally figured out how to change the blogger icon next to the name of the blog! Here is the new icon I used!

Pretty cool huh? Well, that's all for now jammers! I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Updates!

Hey jammers! I made some new updates to the blog! Here they are!
  1. Since wolfy39179 has returned to AJ as XxLaykinxX (yay!!!), the "In Memory of Wolfy39179" page is now a page featuring my banners!
  2. Because of the fact that I like NEVER update my Animal Jam News page anymore, the "Animal Jam News" page is now an Acknowledgements page!
  3. I deleted the banner at the bottom of the home page to avoid repetition with the "My Banners" page.
  4. I made the blog (not the right side-bar) a little longer, although you might not be able to notice that.
  5. I made this post!!!! LOL! :P
Also, this is the 125th post!!! Pretty awesome right?!

Well, that's all for now jammers! I hope you enjoy the new updates, and have a jam-tastic day!

Sorry About This Guys....

Hey jammers, I got some bad news. Starting tomorrow, I'll be going to my relatives' house until Sunday. Even though I will bring my computer over there, I might not be able to be on Animal Jam as often for the next 4 days or post much either. I'm really sorry about this guys.

Well, that's all for now jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

New Banner!

Hey jammers! Guess what? I made a new banner today! Even though I kinda sort of lost the other banner I made with the same picture (oops), I like this banner better anyway. Here it is!

Pretty cool huh? Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wolfy's Welcome Back Party!!!!!!

As mentioned in the previous post, wolfy came back to Animal Jam!!!!!!!!! Here is a video I took of the Welcome Back party we threw for her today!

I have to say, it was PACKED and AWESOME!!!!!!!! For those of you who came, you know we had a blast! For those who didn't, you missed quite a party! Well, that's all for now, jammers, and as I always say, have a jam-tastic day!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

WOLFY CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right jammers! Wolfy39179 came back to AJ!!!!!!!!! I was just hanging out at someone's den, when I received this jamagram.

(Click to Enlarge)

Oh my gosh when I received that jamagram I was SOOOO excited!!!!!!! After I friended wolfy's new account, she came to my location, and we were both so happy to see each other again!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Here is a video we made dedicated to wolfy's return!!! Man, I thought I would never see wolfy again!!!

If you want to buddy wolfy or if you were friends with wolfy's other account, here is her new username (mentioned in the video) so you can buddy her!

User: XxLaykinxX

Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

My New Music Video Has Been Completed!!!!

That's right jammers! I finished my new music video today! And to make things better, this music video is about Animal Jam! Here is the video!

I hope you enjoy the video! Sorry about the background noise. Also, you may have to turn up the volume on your computer in order to hear the song. Again, sorry about this. Well, that's all for now jammers, and I hope you have a jam-tastic day!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Introducing..... Sml26662, a Wonderful Jammer and Friend!

Hey jammers! It's wolfstar62867, and I am here to tell you about an awesome friend of mine, sml26662! Here is a video I took introducing sml!

Sorry for stumbling during the movie. She really is a fantastic jammer and an excellent friend, and I think she would really appreciate it if you buddied her (if you didn't do so already)! Well, that's all for now, jammers, and have a jam-tastic day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Duck Plushies?

Hey jammers! Sorry it's been a while since I've posted on here; lately I've been playing with DragonWolf70 on this game called Everquest 2 (eq2 for short), so ya sorry about that. Anyways, while I was trying out a new glitch at the Summer Carnival (that's right jammers the Summer Carnival came out today!!!), I came near one of the areas where they sell plushies for a certain number of tickets, when I saw plushies that weren't currently on sale, duck plushies! Here is a picture!

If you look closely, you can see three duck plushies! Will duck plushies come to Summer Carnival stores soon? Stay tuned to find out!

Well, that's all for now jammers, and as I always say, I hope you have a jam-tastic day!